So this year I decided that I would embark on the Ready Player One Film Challenge, and attempt to watch every film named, referenced or alluded to in this most excellent of geeky books.

To that end I have compiled what I think is a complete list of every movie reference, and I shall be working through them, in no particular order, over the course of 2015. If you see any glaring ommissions from my list, please do get in touch and I shall update it accordingly.

Between myself and Spindles we’ll be updating the list with the dates we’ve watched the films.

The Complete(ish) List of Films Referenced in Ready Player One:

Film Brendan Spindles
Ghostbusters  24th Jan  16th August
Heathers  10th Jan  
Star Wars (IV, V & VI)  4th May (All three 🙂 )

IV – 5th September
V – 15th March

Star Trek (I, II, III, V)  

 I – 9th March

II – 17th April

III – 18th April

V – 9th August

The Last Starfighter  22nd August   
Monty Python and the Holy Grail    16th August
Terminator 2: Judgement Day    
Sixteen Candles  25th September  16th May
Pretty in Pink  16th April  
Some Kind of Wonderful    
The Breakfast Club  28th September  
Weird Science

 15th October

Ferris Beuller’s Day Off    
Ladyhawke  2nd Feb  
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor    30th January
Airplane!  19th Feb  
Howard the Duck    
Highlander II    

 26th August

The Goonies    
Superman: The Movie    
Fantastic Voyage    
Serenity  19th Feb  25th January
The Matrix  2nd Feb  
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade    15th March
Back to the Future  21st October  17th August
Real Genius    18th August
Better off Dead    
Revenge of the Nerds  9th August  
Lord of the Rings (Full Trilogy)  

Fellowship of the Ring:  14th July
The Two Towers: 15th July
Return of the King: 16th July 
(All the Extended versions too) 

Mad Max  21st May  
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom    18th April
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark    11th April
Daikaiju Gamera    
Hawk the Slayer    
The Beastmaster    
Mad Max II: The Road Warrior    
Highlander    11th February
Rain Man    
Conan the Barbarian    
2001: A Space Odyssey    
Risky Business    
The Dark Crystal    
The Wizard of Oz    
The Pink Panther    
The Silence of the Lambs    
The Addams Family

 9th August

 22nd February
Evil Dead    
Fight Club  26th April  
Rocky Horror Picture Show    
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension    
Say Anything  26th November  1st February
The Fly    
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory    
Blade Runner  6th April  19th August
Hard Boiled    
The Killers    
The Iron Giant    
Big Trouble in Little China

 29th August

 21st April
Short Circuit 7th Sepetmeber   
Red Dawn    
A Clockwork Orange
(Thanks @CherryBomb1618 for pointing out that reference)

So far I’ve managed to watch Heathers, so that’s one down and only 72 more to go…
If you haven’t read Ready Player One yet, then I throroughly recommend you check it out.