Due to be released on Netflix on August 22nd, BoJack Horseman is a dark, irreverent animated comedy for adults starring The Lego Movie’s, Will Arnett, Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie and more celebrity cameos during season one.

Will Arnett voices BoJack, the failed legendary 90’s sitcom star from the favorite family sitcom “Horsin’ Around,” who has been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing, whisky and failed relationships. Now, in the presence of his human sidekick Todd (Aaron Paul) and his feline agent and ex-paramour Princess Caroline (Amy Sedaris), BoJack is primed for his comeback…

BoJack (left, voiced by Will Arnett) and Todd (right, voiced by Aaron Paul) in Netflix’s “BoJack Horseman.”  Photo courtesy of Netflix.

For more information on BOJACK HORSEMAN in the coming weeks, please go to: www.netflix.com/bojackhorseman and visit the official social pages: facebook.com/BoJackHorseman and twitter.com/BoJackHorseman