Firstly, an apology: It’s taken me far too long to get around to writing this recap. This is for a very good reason. Frankly, It has annoyed the piss out of me.

As anyone reading these reviews will probably know, I’m getting a bit fed up of all the flitting around that’s going on this season. I accept that, in this day and age, we need a little bit of flair in the direction and cinematography of a show, but to purposefully leave threads hanging for weeks on end is just plain rude.

This error in storytelling is further compounded when you take a plotline that has been running over the last two seasons and completely undo it over the course of 42 excruciating minutes. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I feel cheated. To turn the whole ‘Get to Washington, Wipe out the Zombies’ plotline into a red herring basically means there is nothing left in terms of ongoing plot, other than whatever is going on with the Beth/Carryl trifecta.

Bitching and moaning aside, there were some really good character moments in this episode as we get to see a bit of Abraham’s background and his first encounter with Eugene. There is also the terrific Zombies vs Water Cannon scene which provided some much needed light relief to a season that seems to be taking itself a bit too seriously.

All in all, I’m very disappointed with how this episode has changed the whole dynamic of the show. I feel like we’ve been lied to for the best part of a year. You are really going to have to work hard for the rest of the season to rebuild that trust Walking Dead.